Saturday 28 May 2011

Conclusion of convection

Watch the following video to revise Convection and also clear any difficulties you might have:

Also there is another website that you can visit to revise Convection. When entering the following site, click on 'Begin' and then click on the picture of the hot air balloon:

Revise well as questions will be asked when we meet in the next lesson!

Everyday examples of Convection- Lava Lamps

Lava lamps:

     Make a simple lava lamp!
Lava lamps also work with the principle of convection. Try out this activity to learn more about how lava lamps work.

Everyday examples of Convection- Sea and land breezes

Sea and Land Breezes:

a)   During the day, the temperature of the land increases more quickly than that of the sea. The hot air above the land rises and is replaced by colder air from the sea. A breeze from the sea results.

b)  At night the opposite happens. The sea has more heat to lose and cools more slowly. The air above the sea is warmer than that over the land and a breeze blows from the land.
For more information regarding sea and land breezes, visit the following link:

Everyday examples of Convection- Convection heater

Convection Heater:

One way to keep the home warm during winter is by using on a convection heater. But how does it exactly work?

Everyday examples of Convection- Air Conditioner

Air Conditioner:

Some of you might have an air-conditioner installed at home. During summer we switch it on to keep the room cold.

But do you know how the air-conditioner work? Why are air-conditioners never installed near the floor of a room? Try to answer these quesitons and write down what you know of the way air-conditioners work.

Everyday examples of Convection- Refrigerator


When we feel hungry the first thing we do is go and open the fridge to see what can we find good inside it. But have you ever thought how the food inside the fridge is kept cold?

Go and open the fridge found in your home. Can you see where the freezing unit of your refrigerator is found? Why do you think it is placed in this position?

Everyday examples of Convection- Electric Kettle

Electric Kettle:
What’s inside the kettle?
Have you ever wondered how a kettle works? Soon you’re going to find out!
At your home, find a kettle and open it. Write down what you have seen inside it. You can also take pictures and post them here.

Start posting!